Reduce coating time by 46% with METHOCEL™ Premium VLV |
If this message does not fit your application needs, please click here to share your areas of interest to receive information that is relevant to you. *Excluding coating material costs. These figures are based on a model with assumptions, including the application of a single coat. Actual figures may vary given a customer’s specific operation, but fundamental productivity advantages should still hold. |
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METHOCEL™ Premium VLV is a low molecular weight version of Hypromellose 2906 USP. This means that the solids level can be increased in the solution with much less impact on the viscosity of the solution. The solids concentration of the coating solution can be increased by 110% thanks to the low molecular weight of METHOCEL™ Premium VLV. This facilitates a faster coating process by 46% compared to METHOCEL™ Premium E-LV, depending on the loading scale. |