Reduce total tablet manufacturing* costs by at least 27% per batch with METHOCEL™ Premium VLV
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*Excluding coating material costs. These figures are based on a model with assumptions, including the application of a single coat. Actual figures may vary given a customer’s specific operation, but fundamental productivity advantages should still hold.
Using METHOCEL™ Premium VLV in a coating system helps:

All of this helps reduce:
  • Labor costs by 25%
  • Capital depreciation charge by 25%
  • Power costs by 25%
  • Total heating cost by 72%
  • Compressed air post by 40%
  • DI water by 46%

Find out more about the model we used to calculate the advantages of METHOCEL™ Premium VLV here.
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™*Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (*Dow) or an affiliated company of Dow